Monday, November 10, 2014

Typical Monday

Today was a hard day for me. I had to quickly take this picture in between my two jobs so it's not the greatest. Don't judge 😊 I'm a server and when I got to work I got some bad news from my boss that made my day come crashing down. I was so upset & hurt. Then my first table was three ladies and they were super friendly but there wasn't anything out of the ordinary with them. After I had ran their card I went back to them to ask if I could get them anything else. One of the ladies just looked at me and handed me a $50 bill. I was honestly speechless. I almost started crying. These ladies had no idea that I had been having the worst day. They didn't know my circumstances at all. I thanked them about 400 times. After they left I saw that another one of the ladies had left me 15 more dollars. I doubt they'll ever see this but I hope that somehow they know how much what they did meant to me. It honestly restored my faith in a lot of things. There are still good people in the world. So now I'm going to try to help someone in a positive way the same way these ladies did. Hope tomorrow is a good Tuesday for all of you! 💋 P.S. Eventually I will start putting where I get all my clothes... All in due time.

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